Monday, March 24, 2014

                         Nintendo's Wii U and Microsoft's Xbox One: Losers of the Console Wars
                                                         By Larry Crane

   It seems that Nintendo and Microsoft need to improve if they are to One-up Sony's Playstation 4, the

current favorite of gamers in this generation of video gaming. Though the Wii U and PS4 are nearly tied

in terms of how many consoles have been sold, the major difference is that the Wii U has been in stores for

at least a year longer than the PS4, with some stating that the Wii U is failing for the same reasons as

Nintendo's Virtual Boy, citing the Wii U's game pad as a gimmick, no launch title being included with

the system, and it's rather high price tag.

The Xbox One, while failing, was, according to gamers, doomed from the start. It's emphasis on television

innovation rather than gaming is a big let down for Xbox fans, though recent titles such as Titanfall may

help the console. If not, its no big loss for Microsoft, as the company is far more than a gaming company,

while Nintendo is and always has been a pure gaming company.

Sorry, Nintendo. Mario can't save you this time.

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